Dans les yeux de Pascaline... se reflète la vie

Tout le monde m'a toujours parlé de mes yeux que j'ai grands et bleus ...
... à moi de vous faire partager ce qu'ils voient.

19 juin 2007

It's Tuesday and I've been tagged ...

...by the lovely Muka !

So, seven things about me that you don't know about me yet :

-I am first of four children - 1 sisters below me, and the littlest two are boys.

-My car is a renault Twingo... Funny one !!! Pink colour...like a big strawberry...

-I love eat some candy... I know, That's no good but ...

-I live in Quebec 3 years when I was 8 ...

-I drink always tea earl grey, all the day I've got a hot water near me...

-I've got 2 children ,the first one is a boy: Jules 6 years, and the second is a girl :Capucine 3 years...

-Long time ago, I worked as magician... I adore it...

Seven people I'm tagging now:

Paper moons (http://www.paper-moons.com/weblog/),
Artistic musings (http://artisticmusings.typepad.com/),
Lutine (http://scrapbylutine.blogspot.com/),
Scrappy Pony (http://horseshirts.blogspot.com/),
Misty Cato (http://mistycatodesigns.blogspot.com/)
My little World (http://your-digital-dream.com/blog/)
Voices inside my head (http://fernlilisdigitaldesigns.blogspot.com/)

3 commentaires:

Fanette a dit…

Encore taguée, mais ceci nous permet d'en apprendre un peu plus sur toi ;-)
Merci pour tes jolis cadeaux !!!
@ bientôt

HG a dit…

I just updated my blog with my '7 things'... come on by and check it out :)

Muka a dit…

hey, thanks for doing my tag, Pascaline! I never lived in Quebec... but I was born there! LOL! xoxo